Over the years, interactive touch screen displays have become more popular within the education sector. It has changed the way teachers teach and learners learn. There are multiple reasons why you should have an interactive display screen in your classrooms.
Here are 6 core benefits of an interactive display screen.

- Supporting active learning: Interactive touch screen display panels facilitate active learning. This is one of the greatest benefits these dynamic devices can offer teachers. As the name implies, active learning is learning through engaging with content, which involves actively engaging with students through discussions, problem solving, case studies, role plays and other methods. When teachers show, explain, and teach, student minds are actively engaged with the lesson. Do these things on a large touchscreen like Starboard and reap the benefits. Have a subject to explain? Set it up on the interactive touch screen and diagram it out. With an interactive touch screen, such as StarBoard, students can pull content from the internet. Break your classroom into small workgroups to learn different aspects of a topic, then teach the rest of the class. Starboard offers StarClass which is collaboration software, giving students the ability to cast and share content from their seats.
- Developing crictical thinking skills: Starboard’s interactive display panels assist students of all ages to develop critical life skills. Current jobs and future jobs demand greater adaptability, problem-solving and critical thinking. By using interactive display touch screens, we are preparing students for their career and college readiness to use technology tools.
- Boost enthusiasm: Studies have shown that students in classes are more engaged when a lesson is given via an interactive touch screen, Starboard. They pay more attention and they’re more positive about learning. Teachers often report that increased attention and engagement are the top benefits of teaching with Starboard. The benefits include increases in achievement, participation, motivation, and cooperation from students. This motivating impact of interactive displays is seen at every level of education.
- Enhancing classroom management: Touchscreen displays can be an invaluable tool for teachers to keep their classes on track. For one thing, the more engaged students are, the less likely they are to be disruptive during a lesson. By making lessons more dynamic, students are thereby more captivated by the content of the lesson. (Who doesn’t like learning with a game, 3D visual effects or lively discussion with onscreen animation?) Experienced teachers know that creating a cohesive classroom community is only half the battle when it comes to classroom management. The Starboard interactive display can assist in providing a central space around which to build that community. You can use the Starboard interactive display to conduct morning meetings. This will let students take on the role of morning moderator on the big screen. This will let students create multimedia presentations to express their creativity and challenge them to join forces with cooperative gameplay apps.
- Creating a common experience: The more you use the Starboard, the more it becomes a central gathering point. Establish common ground among students through visible means. Students have the opportunity to collaborate on projects and presentations.
- Improving learning outcomes: Both students and teachers agree that Starboard interactive displays are fun. It captivates, improves attention span and boosts student engagement, all from one device. Starboard is also a proven way to help students learn more, learn better, and be better able to apply that learning as they move forward in their lives.

Today, schools can leverage the learning potential of the Starboard interactive display to an even broader extent. The displays themselves offer a new level of collaboration and interactive capabilities in an all-in-one solution. Not to mention the easy installation process, user-friendly features and reliability.
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